Solar Traffic Blinker

A solar traffic blinker provides an important civic duty of signaling directions and controlling traffic. In many cases it can help reduce the need for manpower in certain areas which aids in saving money along with the fact that the electricity it runs on is free. This light runs for the entire day and that is why LED bulbs are used since they use a low voltage charge. The LED bulb also encompasses a large distance in its range and can be used for various signals which are hoisted at traffic terminals.

Benefits Of Using Solar Traffic Blinkers

• They require very little upkeep unless there is some severe change in weather and damage has occurred. Apart from that the blinkers can go several months to a year without needing any maintenance apart from the usual cleaning of the surface so that they can keep harnessing the energy of the sun.

• Since these traffic blinkers harness the energy of the sun they are usually very efficient since they are not connected to any grid or power supply to keep them running. Since the battery has the capacity to run for three days even on overcast days they come in very handy if it has been raining.

• They diminish the carbon footprint of using traditional electric power as blinkers are an absolute necessity just like street lights and when we are talking about an entire city filled with solar alternatives it adds up to being a lot of money.

• These solar blinkers are an ideal solution to the ongoing power crisis in various countries since they can run nonstop without any backup unless solar battery backup is provided which might be needed in some circumstances.

• The obvious benefit of safer roads and the less likelihood of accidents is also there although that applies to solar as well as regular powered traffic blinkers.

What The Blinker Is Made Of

There is a control cable which enables the blinker to run automatically through a controller that uses software that means manpower is not required to regulate these blinkers. There is of course an assembly of solar panels (the number depends on the size of the traffic blinker and where it will be located). Then there is a micro controller which regulates charge and keeps the battery in tip top condition.

Where It Is Used

Despite the emergence of Google maps and other apps which can show you the way and create signals digitally, the traffic blinkers are still as relevant as ever especially for pedestrians. They are found on road turnings and junctions, where highways begin, in school and residential zones, and in anticipation of important buildings and where traffic tends to accumulate.

These solar traffic signals can also create a great deal of awareness amongst the general public so that they should find ways to incorporate solar energy into their lives or to power their homes. Now solar energy can be used for just about anything although initial setting up costs are often a turn-off.