Cheap Residential Solar Panels

For the most part every homeowner wants a solar energy system which can provide potentially unlimited free energy and reduce the carbon footprint on the environment but it is not always an option because the relatively steep price tag stands in the way. Although these solar systems can be leased much like a mortgage on a house, that may not always be a sensible investment as many factors come into play when we are talking about the amount of power than even the best system can generate.

The Cost

This is of course the fundamental issue as solar panels can be extremely uneconomical ranging from several hundred for one panel to more. Depending on the size of your roof, this can prove to be a large area which needs to be covered. For a new homeowner the cost can be even more extravagant since most solar installation specialist actually recommend a solar roof which consists of solar roofing shingles which act as asphalt shingles so that the panels are your roof. The cheaper option is doing solar paneling but it is less resistant to weather concerns since it is thicker and heavier and it is also not a pleasant sight from the curb.

What Determines The Cost Of The Panel?

• The exact material such as whether it is monocrystalline (very expensive) or just crystalline. Furthermore the more transparent the panel is the more it will cost since it has the capability to absorb a lot more sunlight and also ward off infrared radiation which is a common feature in photovoltaic solar panels.
• The voltage it can generate or handle is a key factor in determining the price.
• The size of the panel also matters as the larger ones are built to be more durable and hence cost more.
• The period of longevity that the manufacturer provides you with determines the price as well as the manufacturer itself. Chinese solar cells for example cost very little when ordered online for DIY solar energy projects.

Even when saving money make sure you get a good deal in your municipality since there are now federal and local tax incentives to encourage homeowners to invest in solar systems. It is a long term investment as you will be saving money on your electric bills which some families report amounts to a few to several thousand dollars a year.
If you have chosen against the splurge of a good quality solar system you can certainly make your own by buying solar cells, batteries and wiring separately, gluing them onto a wooden board and making panels at home. While this will not be the most efficient way to harness the power of the sun, it is definitely very cost-effective and will allow the running of many household appliances.

The major issue with cheap residential solar panels is the conversion efficiency which is quite simply the amount of electricity which is being made. Less expensive systems are not able to harness as much leaving you ever-dependant on thermal power for your needs.

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