Photovoltaic Curtain Wall

For a long time the generation of solar energy has been limited to fields of panels or more recently photovoltaic panels integrated into buildings. Architects are now turning to newer and more creative forms of combining sensible construction and a greener approach to the future. This is where photovoltaic curtain walls come in.

A photovoltaic curtain wall is a wall made up of photovoltaic glass or windows and this design is very popular in high-rise buildings. Due to the fact that the whole sides of the buildings are photovoltaic, the building can create its own secondary source of electricity. Despite considerable advances, solar energy is still considered a secondary source because at this point in time being self-sufficient on the basis of sunlight has not been achieved. The electricity garnered from photovoltaic panels can however supplement a normal utility grid or even replace it for several hours if there is a breakdown.

Functions And Advantages Of A Curtain Wall

• The curtain wall is extremely environmentally friendly because it helps cut down on the amount of thermal generated electricity the building is consuming.
• The entire concept adds a level of sophistication to the building as the glass is aesthetically pleasing.
• The curtain wall produces something called a filtering effect which means you get a lot of illumination both from the outside and when you are actually inside the building.
• The curtain wall can help regulate temperatures in the interior as it controls the level of infrared and UV radiation which is entering the building through sunlight. It absorbs most of it keeping the inside cool and also safe for skin.
• Apart from the obvious energy saving, there is a large variety of designs to choose from like aluminum frames and transparent frames and so on. This can give an architect a whole new level of freedom to explore modernist concepts and incorporate them into his design.
• The windows used in the curtain wall need not be transparent as different companies provide various tints and finishes for the glass which can be chosen depending on the general theme that the rest of the building is made upon.

Choosing The Glass

One popular option for office building is double glazed photovoltaic glass. Since it has that double coating it can actually provide a lot more energy by being a better insulator for the natural light hitting the panes.

There is also triple glazed glass which can be incorporated which is an even better thermal insulator and can produce even more power although the significant cost of a curtain wall made with this is an important consideration for most businesses.

Choosing the Location

Curtain walls are not restricted to just being on the outside as malls and high rise buildings actually use them in place of floor for some of their levels. Not only does this add a creative and luxurious touch these floor curtain walls are very sturdy for everyday activity and can handle the weight of people walking on them. Curtain walls are also used for extended roof spaces to increase the amount of power generation by any one building.

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