Photovoltaic Window

The benefits of solar energy have long been known but it wasn’t till photovoltaic systems were developed that solar energy began to have vast commercial uses. A photovoltaic window is simply made of photovoltaic glass which has dozens of solar cells sealed inside modules. These solar cells take in the sunlight and convert it to instant free and environmentally friendly electricity. The only issue which has arisen is that many photovoltaic models need to be building integrated so older buildings need to invest a lot of money in order to keep up with the trend on their own.

The concept of photovoltaic windows is when solar energy can be harvested through quantum dots with the electricity passing through the panels either to a storage battery or a grid itself ready for supplying. The major selling point of these windows is that they can replace a UPS or a generator easily due to the storage capability. Since they are windows, they are fulfilling two functions and the extra expense can be reaped back due to the free electricity being supplied.

Benefits Of Investing In Photovoltaic Windows

• You are moving one step closer to a future free of harmful ozone layer-destroying carbons. Creating green and free energy at home not only saves money but helps save the environment. If photovoltaic windows are installed in large buildings the change can be even more prominent and the commercial applicability is vast.
• It is not an eyesore as the cells are embedded inside the frames or inside the glass and are transparent. The glass used can be double glazed or triple glazed and the more layers it has the more energy it can harness.
• Using this technology inside windows means that it is a major investment hidden away from sight and can back up your electricity grid for several hours each day thus reducing your utility bills. It can be used for water filters and heaters as well as any appliance run by electricity.
• The windows can have micro power inverters installed so that power can be supplied to your grid without interruption which means you can switch to renewable energy at the touch of a button.
• While older designs and conventional solar panels are dark and let in infrared rays which can be harmful, that is not the case with photovoltaic glass or panels. They block out infrared and UV rays making the interiors of a house and building more pleasantly lit. There is also some research regarding how they influence temperature and keep interiors cool by absorbing most of the heat bouncing off the panes.


Solar panels started from being bulky and dark and difficult to install in households due to being unsightly. Now the glass is wonderfully transparent and thin and very lightweight. Furthermore scientists have been able to stop the escape of heat due to the transparency of the material so that maximum electricity can be harnessed through these windows. Work has already started on even making the glass of smartphone screens photovoltaic so it can charge the phone in daylight.

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