Small Solar Panels

When it comes to determining the number and size of the solar panels that you require, you often get confused and baffled; however, everyone should know that the requirement differs from house to house. There are a number of factors that play a role in this matter. A professional might be able to guide you, but it is also very easy to determine the type of solar panel you require for your house by observing some basic aspects of your house.

• The Energy Consumption

It is safe to say that the size or the number of solar panels required in the house is based largely on the consumption of energy. For example, if the house has a single resident and the energy consumption is minimal, then small solar panels are perfect. A small solar panel is cheaper, easier to install, highly efficient, and portable.

On the contrary, the more energy a house consumes, the more quantity of solar panels would be required in conjunction with a larger size being used. A house’s energy consumption can be determined by observing the power rating of the appliances and devices which consume the most energy. For example, air-conditioners and washing machines use a high amount of energy. The type of lighting and insulation present in the house are also things which need to be considered.

• The Geographic Location

If you want to use small solar panels in your house, then you must also take into consideration the amount of sunlight your city receives. If you live in a city with high precipitation levels, then you would need graphene layered solar panels to help with generating energy. However, if your house is in a neighborhood that gets the best exposure to sunlight, then a small solar panel would be ideal.

• Size of Your House’s Roof

Since solar panels are installed on roofs, the size of the roof is another factor that dictates their ability to fulfill your energy requirements and the space they require to be installed. The best situation would be to have a south facing roof with sufficient space to accommodate solar panels.
However, if your roof is small, then you would require multiple small solar panels to generate electricity. Roofs with flat surfaces are ideal for installing these types of solar panels.

• The Amount of Energy Produced

The last and the most important factor is the panel itself. It depends largely on the solar panel and its ability to generate energy that determines the size and number required. Using calculators, one can determine the energy that can be produced by the panels. By comparing this amount with that of your energy consumption, it will be pretty easy to figure out and make an accurate estimation.

Small solar panels generate power under 200 Watts and are generally used for low power applications such as for charging batteries, opening electric gates, motor boats, RVs, and in remote transmitters. On the other hand, you can use a number of cheap small solar panels to run your house on green energy if the factors are in your favor.

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