Solar Array Panels

Solar array panels are a collection of modules that actively convert the rays of the sun into electricity. They are usually manufactured in rectangular shapes although the newer photovoltaic panels are very stylish which is why they are widely preferred by homeowners. When we talk about solar array panels they are usually installed in dozens depending on the size of the roof of the building or whether they are installed on the ground.

Breakdown Of What A Solar Array Panel Is Made Of

1) First there is the solar cell which is a semiconductor responsible for catching the sun’s rays and converting them into electric power. This is usually in the direct current category although an inverter can be used if your utility grid uses a different medium.
2) Second is the module which is a bunch of cells glued together protected by glass paneling. The glass keeps away wind, water, snow although regular maintenance is required to keep the cells functioning efficiently.
3) Third we have the panel which is made up of modules ready for installation. This panel includes all wiring and hardware and can be installed in the field or on rooftops.
4) Lastly we have the solar array which is a number of panels all interlinked and operating together as one large power generating unit.
Solar array panels have proven to have wide usage potential in neglected areas like deserts and in the US this is where most of the panels are located. They can be used to power houses and cabins where utility grids do not operate and they are intensely useful in powering wells.

City buildings take up the other big chunk of the percentage since larger businesses can afford the upkeep of photovoltaic technology. Residential areas have yet to make a mark as most home owners still find installation too costly to be anything less than a luxury.

Power Output

The amount of power that a solar array panel can produce is regulated by a wide number of factors such as where the unit is installed (certain European countries simply do not have that much sunlight) and its usage. The power output will vary according to whether the panel is being used to store electricity in batteries, back-feed a utility grid or power the grid from scratch. Furthermore if proper cleaning of the panels is not carried out then dust and moisture can accumulate which can cause a lag in efficiency and power production.

Smart Modules

A lot of advancement has taken place and now there are smart modules which regulate energy production and also make assessments based on performance. Furthermore solar array panels can now rotate to follow the sun’s descending path during the day to maximize the electric power they are generating.


The best way to use solar array panels is to use photovoltaic technology which is incorporated into a building’s structure as part of the architecture. This is usually done as part of the roof or rotating blinds. Outside of building construction they are mounted using poles or slabs of concrete in fields or open areas.

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