Solar Beacon

Nautical safety has always been important but rarely has it been wondrously cost effective. Solar beacons provide the much needed function of blaring at night so that boats can find the harbor safely as well as navigate around other important markings and channels. Solar beacons are only different from the beacons which have been used forever in the sense that they use the sun to power themselves and need to power grid to do that.

Solar beacons are not only for indicating harbors but have a lot of functions for roads and highways as well. They can flash for up to 77 times per minute and the LED bulbs which are used can reach visibility of several kilometers away. LED bulbs are also used because of their ability to function with low levels of current and to sustain themselves on a smaller power supply.

Installing solar beacons like a solar flashing beacon is not hard and hundreds are usually installed in one day as it only takes a few seconds to install each. They are accompanied with a small battery which retains charge during the day but it has the unique feature of both keeping the charge and exercising it at the same time as beacons do not stop functioning in daylight.

For the purpose of visibility from a distance they are made in varying color schemes which need to pass safety guidelines and need to belong to a code which will enable color blind people to differentiate between them also. The most commonly used colors are red and green although they come in other colors as well.

Places They Are Used

• Harbors

• Construction sites

• School zones

• Pedestrian crossings

• Highway turnings

• Important entrances to zones


• Since these beacons are controlled by a charge regulator they operate automatically cutting down the need for manpower and since they require no extra power source they pretty much pay for themselves.

• Little upkeep is required except for keeping the panels clean so that they can absorb sunlight. The battery does need to be checked every now and then especially if this is a marine solar beacon because water can affect functioning although the main unit itself is waterproof.

• They provide an important safety function for society.
Some Commonly Used Types Of Solar Beacons

• Stop beacons which are for controlling traffic and need to flash constantly in a number of colors to indicate various directions. They usually accompany regular traffic lights and eliminate the need for a traffic controller.

• Hazard beacons which are used around dangerous areas or areas where construction is taking place. They are to stop people from walking into a manhole for example and to keep sites off-limits to the public.

• Moisture sensors are used for roads when there has been a rainstorm so that drivers and pedestrians can be warned that the road might be slippery and dangerous at this time. They emit light so that drivers can spot them miles away from their actual location.

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