Solar Navigation Lights

Nautical navigation is a very important thing for safety as well as to keep boat owners and sailors from getting lost. Now these navigation lights are solar in many areas which means they no longer need to be manually operated and can actually be a lot more efficient as a result. They are used for mooring buoys, docks, dock markers, navigational markers, and harbor entrances and so on.

The most common types of bulbs used for solar navigation are LED because they have superb lasting power and they also consume very little voltage which makes them ideal if the area is prone to having days with bad weather in which there isn’t going to be a lot of sun.

Common Features

It really depends on the manufacturer what the end product is going to be like but they are all designed keeping in mind a few basic needs such as longevity and automated function. The rest are listed below:-

• Navigation lights are usually portable and really light. This applies to all solar navigational lights whether they are for marking harbor entrances or for buoys or to be installed on boats themselves. They are made to be light and easy to carry and their installation is often not problematic either since a good number of them are needed for their express purpose.

• It takes a skilled technician a matter of seconds to install them and there are many newer marine lights available now which are actually adhered to the poles by using strong adhesives so they take even less time.

• These solar lights can last for more than a decade although none have really been tested that long but most come with a warranty of at least ten years or a little less. They just need to be kept clean in order to function properly. Many lights might be connected to one battery or they might have separate smaller batteries which charge during the day to enable illumination at night.

• They incorporate LED technology so that the light can last the longest possible period of time even on days with scanty sunlight. This makes them excellent for meeting industry and safety standards and this is why they are now widely available and a popular choice for docks and harbors.

The ability of most solar navigation light to resist submersion into water for hours at a time and to withstand environmental aggressions like windstorms and excessive rain makes them an extremely superior alternative to regular navigation lights. From a price point of view the difference is not stark and given that they last much longer as a unit, they are definitely the better choice.
The choice of material for the solar panels also impact the cost but that can be discussed during your order process with the manufacturer so you can balance the cost against the number of lights you are going to be getting. Most companies have separate designs for buoy markers and separate ones for harbor markers and so on.

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