Solar UPS Inverter

Solar UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) inverters have become increasingly popular ever since climate change actually became a reality and utility bills started to skyrocket. With the increasing interest in solar power and panels, many people are turning to this source of sustainable energy to charge batteries. Since this also allows them to live off the grid, it is a popular solution for many homeowners.
But what is the difference between a solar inverter and a regular inverter?

What is an inverter?

Before we can answer that question adequately we need to first understand what an inverter is. A power inverter or an inverter is a simple device that converts DC or direct current to AC or alternating current in an electrical system. This is done via transformers, control circuits and switching and this is the basic function of an inverter, whether it is solar or not.

A home UPS or inverter takes direct current from the batteries it is stored in and converts it into the alternating variety. This current is then utilized by appliances. A solar UPS inverter does the same thing but only if it is installed on an off-grid solar system. It gets direct current from the energy the solar panels trap and the alternating current is directed to the grid.

How it works

A regular home UPS or inverter system works when it is connected to an active power connection. When the power is coming from the grid, the system charges the batteries completely and which can be used if the power goes out. When that happens, the UPS inverter takes DC power from the batteries, converts it into alternating current and directs it to appliances.

A solar UPS inverter works in the same way. Similarly, if the grid or the solar system is not giving sufficient power to charge the batteries, the batteries switch to battery mode. Grid tie solar UPS inverters for instance turn off by themselves during power losses to ensure safety and to ensure the panels remain damage free.

These inverters allow solar panel owners to work with the power company and profit from it in the bargain. The electricity that is collected through the panels is stored in the batteries through the inverter to be used later. Excess energy can be siphoned back into the grid for cash from the power company which prevents you from wasting energy.

Similarly, battery backup inverters are created to get as much energy from batteries as possible and it also manages the energy charge it gets from it via the onboard charger. This directs the extra energy to the utility grid and the supply also goes to areas which need energy in case the power goes out. These should also be installed with an anti-islanding protection option for safety. These solar UPS inverters are best for commercial properties or large establishments that need electricity for most of the day and night. Plus you can save more money because you won’t have to invest in expensive generators.

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