Solar UPS System For Home

Every since last year when massive marketing and research started taking place around photovoltaics and advanced solar panels, homeowners have been flocking to resort to this energy source as a way of looking to the future as well as cutting their current costs. A solar UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) system can eliminate the need for a regular generator and can reduce dependency on thermal power generation. Apart from providing help in load shedding periods, the solar UPS can take over several hours of the day depending on the power output it generates.

The basic components which comprise of the system are as follows:-

1. A battery

2. An inverter

3. A transfer switch

4. A charge controller

Advantages For Your Home

• There is considerable prestige involved with owing a solar UPS system because they are pricey despite government tax cuts and not everyone can afford them. However the system costs a fraction now compared to what it once did but it is still only feasible under certain conditions such as the amount of sunlight your house actually receives. For houses which are cramped between other buildings or have trees nearby, it can be difficult to get a decent charge for your UPS battery.

• Electric power is always unpredictable and every now and then there can be periods of unavailability. The solar UPS provides more than a solid backup plan by powering major appliances in your home like your refrigerator and television. Depending on the model you have opted for it may also be able to run your air conditioner.

• A solar UPS can be considered a great investment as many scientists have predicted that the world is headed towards solar dependence in ways far greater than before. A solar UPS can simply be you thinking in advance.

Cost Divided By Components

• The UPS system itself is the first thing you will buy and the cost will be determined by your area, the manufacturer, whether you had it shipped, and the material of the solar panels and so on.

• A solar panel of 17 volts comes next and they tend to be large but fragile which is why it is best to have them handled and assembled by a professional. You will need to calculate your house load and will need to pay accordingly. The needs of each family vary and the initial cost is very much dependent on this calculation.

• A deep cycle battery either of the lead-acid kind or the gel kind will need to be purchased and should support at least 12V. In order for the battery to function properly it needs to be able to handle twice the load your house demands so that all the charging does not damage it.

• The control system cost

• Cables and wires cost

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