Street Light Solar Panel

The solar panels used in street lights are very durable and tough and are coupled with LED technology so that they supply more light for longer periods of time and require less energy to do so. The entire concept of using solar panels for street lights began in areas where weather was very unpredictable and conventional electric grids couldn’t be trusted. These are areas which get a lot of rain and wind storms. The battery underneath the solar panel can actually carry up to three days worth of charge even if there is no sunlight for that period of time.

The Science Behind Voltage Control

For street lights, controllers are used to regulate voltage and to keep up efficiency levels. There is the basic type of controller which stops reverse current and keeps the battery cool and optimally charged. The PWM is slightly more advanced and it can monitor and control the current which is entering the battery to be stored.

The charging is usually down in a trickle fashion so that the unit does not heat up at once. The MPPT controller can optimize the power output from each individual cell so that the street light can operate for longer without needing a charge.

Pros Of Using A Solar Panel

• Electricity can be supplied to areas which are far off and hard to reach like deserts and it can change the lives of thousands of people living there. This is especially so in extremely hot climates where sunlight is an ample natural resource.
• Solar panels attached onto a street light have minimal wiring outside which means there is less risk of hazards when the wind starts blowing or there is a storm.
• Since much of the functions of a solar street light are automatic it costs less to maintain as the year goes by although it does need to be cleaned regularly as dirt stuck on the panels can keep sunlight from entering them.
• The major advantage is the one to the environment since this is a renewable form of energy which is clean and green and does not emit harmful polluting gases which most countries have enough of already.
• The system as a whole with the panels included is very easy to travel with as it is light and has few components none of which need assembling. This makes it perfect for the areas where conventional electric power has been a failure.

Managing The Cost Of The Panel

The panel varies in cost due to many factors such as the manufacturer, the size, the material (monocrystalline or polycrystalline) and how transparent it is. For street lights generally the sturdiest panel is used even if it does not generate the most energy because the LED bulbs already compensate for that. The initial startup costs of the panel are balanced against future electricity bill savings as well as minimal operational costs since the system is automatic and does not require a person to run it.

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